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school education rajasthan,


WE Unequivocally Trust THAT CHILDREN’S Interest AND INTERESTS ARE Animated WHEN THEY Connect WITH Individuals, Spots, People group AND The earth AROUND US. Presenting Kids TO Fresher Encounters Stirs THEIR Interest ABOUT Their general surroundings. Trips ARE A Significant Piece OF THE LEARNING Procedure AT MOTHER’S PRIDE. THIS IS The point at which THE kids GO OUT AND Investigate PLACES, For example, RAIL Exhibition hall, ZOO OR NEHRU PLANETARIUM IN A FUN WAY. THESE Journeys ARE Pressed WITH Fervor, Heaps OF GAMES AND MANY Fascinating Bites.

Cocurricular Activities


Co-curricular activities are those which are under taken side by side with the curricular activities. A co-curricular activity essentially takes place outside a typical pen and pencil classroom experience. It gives the students an opportunity to develop particular skills and exhibit their non-academic abilities. They actually complement the curricular activities and groom the students in the Art of living & working together.

Creative Utsav


Creative Utsav has become our tradition to bring together the Educational, Cultural, Moral, Ethical, Values of Creativians on the same platform. It seems like a festival for all. Main attraction of Creative Utsav is 100% participation of students. This year we celebrated 11th Creative Utsav. Distinguished guests always appreciate the combination of education of 21st century, discipline, Indian culture being showed by students in their performances